Small dams

Somewhat smaller than the five large Sauerland-Seen lakes, but no less beautiful are the many small reservoirs. Idyllically situated in the middle of the Sauerland forests, they invite you to spend relaxing hours in nature. Whether on a walk with a view of the crystal-clear water, a family outing to one of the bathing spots or as a destination for a bike tour.
And if you are looking for spectacular photo spots, you will also find them here. The monumental dam walls, the many natural highlights and distant views from the numerous vantage points around the dams are the perfect photo motifs.
Ahauser Stausee

Das Kraftwerk am Ahauser Stausee

The Ahauser Stausee is a reservoir on the territory of the town of Attendorn and the municipality of Finnentrop and is now owned by the Ruhrverband.

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Eines der Waldsofas an der Fürwiggetalsperre

A popular destination for hikers, walkers and joggers is the Fürwiggetalsperre near Meinerzhagen in the Ebbegebirge mountains with a 4.1 km riverside hiking trail in a wooded setting.

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Blick vom Ufer über die Genkeltalsperre

The Genkeltalsperre is a "border dam" and is located z.

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Hiking, jogging and swimming - or simply lazing around.

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Jubachtalsperre - Wanderweg

Die idyllisch gelegene Jubachtalsperre - eine Trinkwassertalsperre - bei Kierspe liegt etwas versteckt im oberen Volmetal und bietet mit Spazier- und Wandermöglichkeiten einen kurzweiligen Aufenthalt für Naturliebhaber.

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Oestertalsperre Plettenberg

The picturesque Oestertalsperre is Plettenberg's service water reservoir and the town's largest swimming pool on the outskirts of Plettenberg-Himmelmert.

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The Versetalsperre reservoir is located between Lüdenscheid and Herscheid.

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