- Parking spaces available
- Bus stop available
- Free admission
- free of charge / accessible at any time
A popular destination for hikers, walkers and joggers is the Fürwiggetalsperre near Meinerzhagen in the Ebbegebirge mountains with a 4.1 km riverside hiking trail in a wooded setting.
58540 Meinerzhagen
Telephone: 02354/77132
Experiences at and around the Fürwiggetalsperre:
Asphalted walking trail around the Fürwiggetalsperre (approx. 4.1 km) with an exciting nature trail
VolmeSchatz nature theme trail - our flora and fauna (approx. 8.3 km)
Three forest sofas with panoramic views
Numerous benches along the circular hiking trail
Gastronomy at or around the dam:
Landhaus Stottmert (Stottmert 1, 58849 Herscheid - distance approx. 2 km)
Meinerzhagen town center (distance approx. 8.5 km)
Parking facilities:
Free parking spaces are available at and above the dam wall. An information board shows the hiking and walking options.
Arrival by public transport:
MVG bus routes 95 & 252; bus stop: Fürwiggetalsperre - Meinerzhagen
Further information:
The Fürwiggetalsperre is a drinking water reservoir. Entering the shore area is prohibited!
The dam crest is 166 m long and approx. 29 m high. On the left side of the dam crest is the monument to the Mark Brandenburg industrialist Karl Berg from 1907. The Fürwiggetalsperre dam wall with slide towers, slide houses and stilling basin was registered as an architectural monument in 2004 and was built in 1902 and 1904 according to a design by the well-known professor of hydraulic engineering and building construction Otto Intze.
The exterior can be viewed at any time. Information and additional information: Ruhrverband, Klinkenberg 40a, 58515 Lüdenscheid, Tel. 02351/9475350.
The dam booklet for the Oben an der Volme region, including the Fürwiggetalsperre, is also available to download:
All information without guarantee!
- Bus route 95 - CAR