- Family friendly
- Refreshment stop
- Circular route
- free of charge / accessible at any time
Parking lot at the entrance to Wildewiese
see above
This trail is known as a winter hiking trail, but is at least as beautiful in summer - and certainly warmer.
From the parking lot at the entrance to Wildewiese, head towards Aussichtsturm Schomberg Wildewiese with its observation tower visible from afar. Follow the W2 trail markings. Past the Schomberg tower, which you are welcome to climb (the view from the top is magnificent), the path leads to the end of the tarred road. Here, a path leads to the left, under beech trees. An old wooden signpost indicates the (winter) hiking trail. When you reach a tarred road again, turn left once more. After approx. 100 m, a path on the right leads you directly to the village of Wildewiese. This would be a good time to stop for a bite to eat before the path takes you left, up the road, back to the parking lot.