You can easily reach Bad Sassendorf with the RB89, the "Ems-Börde-Bahn", which runs between Münster and Warburg (via Altenbeken, Paderborn, Salzkotten, Geseke, Lippstadt, Soest, Hamm). The local trains run every 30 minutes from Monday to Friday and every 60 minutes from 8 p.m. to midnight. The nearest IC or ICE stations are Soest and Lippstadt or Hamm and Münster.
You can find information at or at (also with network-wide fares).
Bad Sassendorf is a stop. Tickets are available from the ticket machines on the trains or from the travel agency. Information on the VRL fare valid in Bad Sassendorf can be found on the Internet at
Taxis are generally available in Bad Sassendorf for onward travel. Some hosts will be happy to pick you up from the station.
Timetable information can be obtained from the Smart Number for buses and trains: 0 800 6 / 50 40 30 - free of charge from all German networks.