- Parking spaces available
- Bus stop available
- free of charge / accessible at any time
The tower is located in the Arnsberg Forest Nature Park in the Körbecke Südufer area.
Möhnesee tower
59519 Möhnesee
The observation tower is located on the Rennweg, south of the Möhnesee. A spiral staircase leads visitors up to the platform. The climb is well worth it. Up there, around 40 meters above the forest floor, 360-degree panoramic views open up far into the land of a thousand mountains and the Soest Börde. It is a worthwhile excursion destination for nature lovers, hikers and cyclists and always a good reason to take a break.
The tower can be reached from the following parking lots: - Parking lot opposite the pedestrian bridge Körbecke-Südufer - Parking lot at the miniature golf course on the south bank 2a - Parking lot Am Torhaus on the B229.