Public parking lot with level surface. Bakery, supermarkets, restaurants etc. within walking distance. During the opening hours of the town hall (Mon-Fri from 8:30-12:30, Mon and Tue 14:00-16:00, Thu 14:00-18:00) the public toilets in the town hall can be used. Barrier-free toilets are also available in the town hall.
The public toilets at Bestwig station are accessible at all times after inserting a 50 cent coin.
- Number of spaces: 4 (up to 7m)
- Electricity: no
- Supply and disposal / water: no
- Sanitary facilities:
- WC during the opening hours of the town hall (free of charge)
- public WC approx. 150 m away at the station (0.50 € coin)
- Fee per night/motorhome: free